SSR2: Thousand Year Vow

The title of this card can be read as "Thousand Year Vow" or "Chitose's Vow" in Japanese.

Limited Gacha: Pure Bridal Gacha (May 31st-June 11th, 2020)

[SSR] Thousand Year Vow
Usage Japanese English
Home Screen 誓いの言葉。思い浮かべるだけじゃ足りないよ。ちゃんと口にして? Words of a pledge--to recall them is not enough. Let me hear it from your lips?
ねぇ、貴方。この手を取って。永遠に離さないでいてね。永遠に、ずっと Say, my darling. Take my hand and never let go. Forever and ever...
前はお芝居だったけど…これは演技じゃないよ。愛を込めてるもん。ね? It was just theatrics before, but... this isn't an act. I'm putting my love into this, okay?
薬指を貴方に預けるね。この指は、繋がっているから。私の心に I'm entrusting my ring finger to you. This finger is what connects you to my heart.
誓うよ。貴方を愛してる。 …こんな感じでいい?ねぇ、聞いてた? This, I vow: I love you. ...Something like that? Hey, did you hear me?
新郎新婦のごっこ遊びだもん。今だけはこう呼ぶね。旦那さま♪ Just while we play make believe as a bride and groom, I'll call you this: my husband ♪
ヴェールはもう上がってしまったから。悪しきものから守ってね Since the veil has already been lifted... please protect me from evil.
サントシャペルを思い出すよ。ふたりでステンドグラスに見とれてた… It reminds me of Sainte Chapelle. The two of us were fascinated by the stained glass...
純白のドレスは、純潔の象徴だって。私にふさわしい? …あはっ♪ A snow-white dress is an emblem of purity. Is it fitting for me to wear? ...aha ♪
薔薇のブーケは、魔除けのお守りね。チクッとしたら…悪い人 A bouquet of roses is a talisman that protects against evil spirits. If it pricks you... you're a bad person
貴方に私のこれからをあげる。そして、貴方のこれからをもらうよ I'll give you my future and then receive yours.
……震えてるね。私が?ちがうよ。震えているのは、貴方のほう Trembling... Me? No, the one trembling is you.
Room みんなの花嫁、ちとせちゃんでーす♪そう、浮かれてるのー♪ I'm everyone's bride, Chitose-chan ♪ That's right, let's have a good time! ♪
ウェディングモデルのお仕事でも、うれしいよ。結婚してあげられたから I'm happy I get to work as a wedding model. Because I was able to get married
千夜ちゃんはフラワーガールかな。ベールガールでもいいね。悩むなぁ Should Chiyo-chan be my flower girl? Or maybe the train bearer? I can't decide...
教会の薔薇窓ってとっても素敵だと思ったの。ここにもつけない I thought the rose window in the church was so amazing. Can we put one here, too?
誰か、タキシードでも着てエスコートしてくれない?誰かー♪ Can someone wear a tuxedo and escort me? Someone~ ♪
旦那さん、メイドさんと仲良くしてね。してくれなきゃ、離婚だから♪ Husband, make sure to get along with our maid, okay? If you can't, I'm divorcing you ♪
ウェディングドレスって、着てると疲れるんだけど…もう…倒れそう Wearing a wedding dress is tiring, but... ugh, I feel like I might faint.
このためにエステにも通ったんだから。素肌も自信あるよ。見せないけど I went to the esthetician for this. I have confidence in my bare skin. Though I won't show you.
この一着も棺桶に着ていきたいリスト入り♪スタイル保たなきゃ… This one is also on the list of clothes I'd like to wear in my coffin ♪ I've got to maintain my figure...
つぎは…新婦じゃなくて神父さん ! ひげもつけて ! おっかしい♪ Next... not a bride, but a priest! With a beard, too! Funny ♪ (shinpu (bride) and shinpu (priest) sound the same in Japanese)
あの小さな円環に込められた願いは…大きすぎるよ。泣いちゃうくらい The wishes that have gathered in that small ring... are too great. So much so that I could cry.
魔法使いさん。教えて。今がいちばん幸せで、これ以上幸せになれるの? Sorcerer, tell me. Are you happiest right now or could you be happier?
Affection up この手を取って、連れ出して。私の人生を生きられるように。 ……なんてね。まだちょっと演技っぽかった? あはっ。だって、半分は……本音だもんね。 Take my hand and whisk me away. So that may live my life... Just kidding. Was it still a little fake feeling? Aha. But... half of that was how I really feel.
Affection Maxed そうだ、手を取って。ちゃんと伝えておくね。 ありがとう。魔法をかけて、花嫁さんにしてくれて。 ……感謝するのが、そんなにおかしい? Yes, take my hand, so that it may be properly imparted: thank you. Cast a spell on me and make me a bride... is it strange to be grateful?
だって、ウェディングドレスを着られると思わなかったから。 私、人生のイベントの数々を夢見るほど、子どもじゃなかったし。 ……なんて、強がりも嘘っぽいかな。憧れたことくらいあったよ。 Because I didn't think I could wear a wedding dress. I wasn't so childish to allow myself to dream of future life events, but... I wonder if that "bravery" also sounds fake. There was so much I longed for.
もう何年も、忙しくて……そう、忙しかったの。だから忘れてた。 ……私も、普通の女の子なんだから。 普通の女の子の、普通の幸せに、手を伸ばしても良かったんだね。 The years pass and I've been busy... yes, I was busy. So I forgot. ...I'm an ordinary girl, too. It was okay to reach for the ordinary happiness that an ordinary girl wants.
Card dialogue さあ、誓約を永遠にして?これから、病めるときも健やかなるときも、富めるときも貧しきときも……死がふたりを分かっても、私たちはひとつだよ。そう貴方が願って、そう、私も… So, let's make the vow eternal? From now on, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health... till death do us part. Yes, what you wish for, I also...

[SSR+] Thousand Year Vow
Usage Japanese English
Live Begins 誓うよ。永遠に続く幸せを Pledge to happiness that will last forever.
口付けて。それが契約の印だよ。 Kiss me. It's a symbol of our contract.
Skill Activation ほら、貴方も誓って Hey, vow to me, too.
貴方も私のもの You also belong to me.
さぁ、ひとつになろう Come now, let's become one.
Live Ends ありがとう。そして、これからの幸せの祈って Thank you. And now, pray for future happiness.
ね?私と結婚してよかったでしょ? Hey, aren't you glad you married me?
Home Screen ねぇ、見て。この高さ…ゾクゾクする。身体中の血が集まってくるみたい Hey, look how high up this is... it makes me excited and the blood in my body feels like it's gathering.
結婚した相手が人外だったなんて、残念だね。でも、スリリングでしょ♪ It's a pity the person you married wasn't human, but it's thrilling, isn't it? ♪
ほら、こっちへ来て。踊ろう?これからずっと、こんな毎日を過ごすの Hey, come over here. Shall we dance? From now on, we'll spend every day like this.
夜の風が気持ちい…月の光も妖しくて…私、今を生きてる The night breeze feels so good... and the moonlight is bewitching as well... I'm living in the present moment.
婚姻を結んだんだから、貴方も夜を統べるものになるの。指輪が証だよ Now that we've married, you'll rule over the night, too, my dear. Our rings are proof.
私を自由にしたのは、私の力。でもそう思わせたのは、貴方の力 It was by my own power that I was set free, but what made me realize it was your power.
安心して…お芝居だから。下にマットあるし。みんなの夢…壊さないで Don't worry, it's all an act, there's a mat below. Everyone's dream... don't destroy it.
今宵の月は、私のドレスと同じ色。身体の中に流れる色と、同じ色 Tonight's moon is the same color as my dress. The same color that flows through the body.
コウモリたちは私の味方だよ。見えちゃいけないモノを隠してくれたり♪ The bats are my allies. They conceal what shouldn't be seen ♪
使い魔もいいけど…私には使い千夜ちゃんと使い魔法使いがいるから… A familiar is fine, but... I already have Chiyo-chan and Sorcerer as familiars, so...
明けない夜に踊るのを選んだのは、貴方だもんね。つまりこれは…必然♪ Darling, you are the one who chose to dance in the endless night. In other words, this is inevitable ♪
貴方の黒埼ちとせが、飛び立つところを見ていてね。守るだけじゃだめ♪ Watch as your Kurosaki Chitose takes flight, my love. You mustn't only protect me ♪
Room お昼はおとなしくしてるの。宵闇に包まれ、真の力が…って設定だって♪ During the day, I'm gentle as a lamb. When all is enveloped in twilight, my true power.. there, the scene is set ♪
動けないから、みんなにお世話してもらうの。吸血姫らしいでしょ I can't move so I'll have everyone take care of things for me. Just like a vampire princess
ファンに好評だって。この…設定?ファンタジー世界の住人みたいで My fans love it, this... setting? Being like a resident of a fantasy world.
悪魔払いは神父で、結婚式は牧師でしょ。私の敵は、神父さんらしいよ Exorcists are priests and wedding officients are pastors. My enemies are priests, it seems.
撮影中は配偶者の顔してたのに、ここじゃ保護者の顔?仕方ないなぁ During filming, you had the expression of a spouse, and now here, the face of a guardian? I suppose it can't be helped.
私は、私を守ってくれる人を守れる人になりたいなぁ…。いつかきっと I want to become the person who protects those who have protected me... surely I will, someday.
はぁい、眷属になりたい人、この指止まれ♪福利厚生三食昼寝付きだよ♪ Alright, if you'd like to become my retainer, gather right here ♪ Employee benefits include three meals and afternoon naps ♪
かわいい真っ赤なドレス♪お気に入りだけど、コンビニへは行けないね… A cute bright red dress ♪ I like it a lot, but I can't go to the convenience store wearing it, huh...
あーん、誰か裾を持ってくれる?部屋のお掃除をしたいわけじゃないの Umm, could someone hold the train of my gown for me? It's not like I'm trying to sweep the whole room
あ、コウモリさん?と思ったけど、ちょっとサイズが大きいかも… "Oh, Mr. Bat?" I thought, but it's much bigger than I expected.
ここにいるよ。貴方のもとに。だって、そう契約したんだもん。ね? I'm here, by your side. Because that was our agreement, wasn't it?
魔法使いさんの部屋に飛んでいくのも簡単だよ。さぁ、連れてって? It'd be easy to fly to the Sorcerer's room. Come on, take me?
Affection Up 小道具の指輪、記念にもらっておいたんだけど…… ステージではつけないから、いいよね♪ 誓いの言葉まで言ったんだよ。これくらい、いいよね♪ I received a commemorative prop ring, but... it's okay because I won't wear it on stage ♪ I even said my vows. This much is good, isn't it ♪
Affection Maxed 私、よく立ちくらみとか、貧血とか、起こすじゃない? もし今、私がこの両手を広げたまま、倒れちゃったとしても…… きっと、貴方が受け止めてくれるよね。私は、そう信じてるよ。 I often feel lightheaded and anemic upon standing, right? But now, even if I were to fall with both my hands outstretched... I'm sure you'd catch me. I believe that.
私は強くないから……こんなことを言うのは恥ずかしいけど、 これからも貴方が守ってくれるのは、ありがたいよ。 あの子にそんな役目はさせられないから。……わかるよね。 I'm not strong... I'm embarrassed to admit something like this, but I'm grateful that you continue to protect me. I can't allow her to play that role... you understand.
この胸の温かさは、私のこの気持ちは、本物。 人と人のあいだには、愛があるもの。恋愛だけが愛じゃない。 あの子とのあいだにも。私と貴方のあいだにも……愛があるから。 The warmth in my chest, my feelings, they're real. The love shared between human beings. Not just romantic love. The love between her and I, as well. Because, there too, is love... between you and I.
Card Dialogue 結婚相手はただの少女だと思った?私の全てを手に入れられると思ったのに、残念。私、ただの人間じゃないの。でも貴方もこれからは、私と同じ夜の闇に生きる眷属だね。祝福するよ Did you think the person you married was just a girl? You thought you could have my everything... how unfortunate. I'm no ordinary human being. But, from now on, my darling, we'll live together in the same darkness as master and servant. Rejoice.