SSR1: Daughter of the Scarlet Rose

Chitose references a lot of fairy tale lines and uses a few puns in her lines for this card. Translating those into English was challenging but fun. I had to do some research for a few of them. I hope you enjoy these translations!

Permanent Gacha: Originally available April 19th-23rd, 2019

[SSR] Daughter of the Scarlet Rose
Usage Japanese English
Home Screen 美しいものにはそれだけで価値がある…その通り。景色もお弁当も人間も Beautiful things each have their own value... exactly. This scenery, this lunchbox, these people
そういえば、ブカレストの公演で見たよね、桜。懐かしいな… Come to think of it, I saw cherry blossoms like this at the performace in Bucharest. How nostalgic...
噂話をさせてい人にはさせておこう。生き別れの姉妹説なんて…面白いし Let them gossip. Theorizing that we're sisters seperated at birth... it's interesting
お友達とは仲良くね。たまには遊びに行ってきて♪感情が聞かせてよ Nurture your friendships. Come visit me once in a while ♪ Let me hear how you feel
魔法使いにお弁当を作る日がきたら…私、泣いちゃうかも。あは♪ If the day comes when you make a lunchbox for the sorcerer... I might cry. Aha ♪
花吹雪は綺麗なのは、この瞬間だけ。あとは死にゆく花びらだもん… The storm of falling cherry blossom petals is beautiful only for this moment. Afterwards, all that's left is dying petals...
いい風。暖かくて、柔らかくて。このまま、全て消えちゃいそう Such a nice breeze, warm and soft. It feels like everything could disappear at any moment.
いつも、ありがとう。早起きしてくれて。私のことを考えてくれて Thank you for always getting up early to make this and for thinking of me.
仕上げに、桜色の彩りを添えて。シェフの吹かせる風は気まぐれだね Garnish the lunchbox in cherry blossom coloring as the finishing touch. The chef in the wind is spontaneous, isn't he?
このおかず、美味しいよ。ほら千夜ちゃん、食べてみて?ねぇねぇ This side dish is delicious. Hey, Chiyo-chan, would you like to try it? Hey, hey
学園のアイドルのもとへ、果敢にも突撃してきたラ・マンチャはだあれ? In the beginning, who was the school idol who boldly led the charge like La Mancha?
同じ制服が着られて良かった♪魔法使いにも着させてみよっか♪ I'm glad we get to wear the same uniform ♪ Let's make the sorcerer wear one, too ♪
Room 千夜ちゃん、食べるのが早いの。…私が喋りすぎって説もある? Chiyo-chan, you eat so fast. there also a rumor that I talk too much?
お弁当のおかず、ミニハンバーグが多いの。たぶん好きなんだ。あは♪ There's a lot of mini hamburgers as sides in this lunchbox. Probably because you know I like them, aha ♪
桜の樹の下に埋まってたのは、期待だったのかも Being buried beneath a cherry tree was something I had been looking forward to, I think.
桜の花びらに包まれて棺桶に入るのもいいな♪可憐で、儚くて、夢みたい It sounds so nice to be surrounded by cherry blossom petals inside a coffin. So touching and lovely, so fleeting, like a dream.
ここでも花見はするの?魔法使いじゃなくて花咲かPさんて呼ぼうか? Are you watching the cherry blossoms from here, too? Instead of sorcerer, should I call you Mr. HanasakaP?
桜色の魔法をかけるために、働いてもらおうかな。魔法使いさん Perhaps I'll have you cast spells the color of cherry blossoms, sorcerer.
レッスン?騙し騙しやってるよ。嘘はつかせないけど、自分は騙せるの Lesson? I'm using every trick in the book. Though I can't lie, that would be cheating myself
大丈夫だよ。日に焼けやすいのはたしかだけど、ランチの間くらいなら It's alright. It's true I get sunburned easily, but I should be okay for the lunch period.
制服姿、浮いてる?19歳の高校生だから?それとも似合いすぎて? Because we're in our school uniforms, do you feel out of place? Because I'm a 19-year-old high school student? Or is it because it suits me more than you thought?
生活指導で黒髪にされたら…そのときは、路線変更しようね♪ If civic guidance makes you have black hair... in that case, let's change the policy.
うーん…いまはおかずより血が足りないかも。目が回る… Uhn... right now, more than side dishes, I feel like I don't have enough blood... my vision is spinning...
倒れそうなとき、片手は千夜ちゃんが掴んでくれる。もう片手は、あなた Whenever I feel like I could collapse, Chiyo-chan takes my hand. My other hand is for you to take.
Affection Up 花びらく春の日を夢見て、厳し冬を過ごしてきた…。だから、学生が合格したときはサクラサクって言うんだってね。私たちもサクラ咲いたかな。アイドルとして。女の子として。 Spending the harsh winter dreaming of a flowery spring day... that's why students say "the cherry blossoms have bloomed" when they pass their exams. I wonder if our cherry blossoms have bloomed, too. As idols and as girls.
Affection Maxed 食べることが好きだけど、たくさんは食べられないんだよね。だから、いつも半分くらい千夜ちゃんにあげちゃう。美味しいよって言うと、知ってますって言って食べてくれる。 I love to eat, but I can't eat a lot. That's why I always give half to Chiyo-chan. When I tell her, "it's delicious!" she says, "I know," and eats it for me.
そう、アイドルになってから、おかずが増えたの。ちゃんと栄養をとらないと、ダメです。食べないで倒れられたら困ります。…だって。ふふ、おかしい♪ Yes, after becoming idols, she served me more sides with my lunchbox. If you aren't getting proper nutrition, that's no good. I would be in trouble if I collapsed due to malnutrition. Because, fufu, how strange ♪
どうやらあなたにも、同じようなことを思われてるみたいだし…困ったなぁ。そんなことされたら、ちゃんとしなくちゃ。ちゃんと…生きなくちゃいけないでしょ?仕方ないなぁ。 It seems that you're thinking the same thing... it would be troubling if that happened.. If you do something like that, you have to be diligent. You have to take things seriously and live well, right? There's no other way.
Card Dialogue …ううん、お弁当は美味しいよ。千夜ちゃん。…つい、見とれちゃって。桜が咲いただけなのに、どうしてこんなに美しいのかな。答えは分からないけど…生きてるから、かな No, the lunchbox is delicious. Chiyo-chan. ...I was facinated on accident. The cherry blossoms have just bloomed, but how are they already so beautiful? I don't know the answer, but... because they're alive, I think.

[SSR+] Daughter of the Scarlet Rose
Usage Japanese English
Live Begins こころまで奪って支配してあげる。おいで I'll steal your heart and rule over it. Come here
永遠の夢を見たいなら、始めようか If you want to dream of eternity, let's begin
Skill Activation 手をとって Take my hand.
ほら、踊って Now dance!
もっともっと More, more!
Live Ends 夢の時間もう終わり。また夢で会おうね Time is already up. Let's meet again in our dreams.
永遠の忠誠を誓った?あははっ Have you pledged eternal loyalty to me? Ahaha!
Home Screen 女王として命じるね。永遠に傍にいなさい。永遠に。ずっと、ずうっと I order you as the queen. Stay by my side forever. For eternity. Always...
魅了して、眷属にする。吸血鬼もアイドルも同じなら、アイドルがいいよ To enchant and create thralls. If vampires and idols are the same, I think being an idol is better.
私はいま、嘘の色をまとってる。真っ赤な嘘って、言うでしょ? Right now, I'm clad in the color of falsehood. The color of an outright lie, right? (a "pure red lie" is a phrase that means a blatant lie)
もし運命があるとしたら、私はもう繋がってるよ。運命の…赤い糸に If fate is real, I'm already bound. To my destiny... with a red thread
あなたは魔法使いだから…盤上でビショップかな。キング?聞こえなぁい Beause you're a sorcerer... on the chess board, you might be a bishop. "A king?" I didn't catch that~
明けない夜はないけど、散らない薔薇はある。証明して、魔法使いさん There's no such thing as a night where the sun never rises... but there are roses that never wither. Prove it, Sorcerer
女王に触れようだなんて、不敬じゃない?手に口づけなら、許してあげる To lay hands on the Queen, isn't that disrespectful? If you kiss my hand, I'll forgive you
センスがいい?そう♪…それってこの扇子のことだったりしないよね? Good sense? Yep ♪ ...or was that about my folding fan? (the word for sense "sensu" and folding fan "sensu" sound the same)
このドレスも、気に入っちゃった。棺桶衣装コレクション、増えちゃうな I like this dress, too. My collection of burial clothes keeps increasing
白い薔薇が、私の色を吸い取って…桜色に染まる。それは見たいよね The white rose that absorbs my color... turns the color of cherry blossoms. That's something I'd like to see.
クィーンを動かすときは、最後の最後。まずは、ナイトを動かしてみて? Moving the Queen is done at the last minute. First, why don't you try moving the Knight?
こんなゲームに本気になって…かわいい。負けられないもんね、わかるよ Becoming so serious about this game... so cute. I won't lose, you know.
Room 私の色は移ったかな?朱に交われば赤くなるっていうでしょ Has my color spread to you? "He who touches pitch shall be defiled therewith," right?
跪かせたいわけじゃないんだけど…みんなが言うことを聞いてくれるから It's not like I wanted to make you kneel, but... you listen to what everyone tells you
この格好なら、首筋にかじりついても問題ないよね♪あは♪ If I'm dressed like this, it won't be a problem to bite your neck, right ♪ Aha ♪
紅は園生に植えても隠れないっていうけど…今の私、隠れてない? "Good wine needs no bush; talent stands out"... right now, am I standing out?
赤の女王か、赤の他人か…色は同じなのに、あなたにとってはどっち? The Red Queen or the Complete Stranger... they're the same color, but which one is for you? (the expression for a "complete stranger" is a "red stranger")
あの人が魅了されるのも分かるかな。アイドル、魔性の存在…ふふ I wonder if they realize they've been spellbound... an idol is a devilish being... fufu
こんな大仰なドレスなんだから、ソファにでも置いてもらえる? Since I'm wearing such a big dramatic dress, could you help me onto the sofa?
女王に謁見したいなら、貢ぎ物を持ってくるところから、やり直し♪ If you'd like an audience with the Queen, try again and bring tribute next time ♪
あは♪飛んでみたかったんだよね。背中の羽は、伊達じゃないみたい Aha ♪ I wanted to try and fly. The wings on my back don't seem to be just for show
そうそう、人を操るときに大事なのは気持ちよく行動させてあげること That's right, the important thing when manipulating others is to let them act willingly
眠る私が目覚めなかったら、許してあげる。口づけは一度うだけね If I don't wake from my slumber, I'll forgive you. Just kiss me once
あなたの悪い指、噛みついちゃうよ。安心なんて、させてやらないから I'll bite that naughty finger of yours. I won't allow you to let your guard down.
Affection Up 今は楽しければいいって、昔から思ってた。今も思ってるよ。けど、今はちょっと悔しい…かな。恥ずかしい話だけど。今はじゃなくて。未来も楽しければいいなって、思ってるから。 I've always thought that just having fun in the present moment is fine. I still think so. But now, I feel a little frustrated... I think. It's a little embarrassing to talk about. Not just the present... I hope the future will be fun, too.
Affection Maxed 童話に登場する赤の女王は、少女に言うんだよね。走り続けなければ、そこに留まることはできないわって。寓話って、比喩に満ちてて…嫌いだな。 The Red Queen from the fairy tale tells the little girl: "It takes all the running you can do to keep in the same place." Fables are full of metaphors... I don't like it.
アイドルも、走り続けなくちゃいけないんだよね。届くか分からない星を目指して。アイドルは、そういうもの。そんなとき、手を差し伸べられるのは、ただひとりしかいない。 Idols also have to keep running and aim for a star they aren't sure they can reach. At such times, there is only one person who can offer a helping hand.
そう。この物語がハッピーエンドになるかを決めるのは、あなた。吸血鬼の姫君の胸元に、白木の杭を打ち立てることもできるし…明けない夜に、踊り続けることもできる。ねぇ、どっちがお望み? Yes, you're the one who decides if this story has a happy ending. You can drive a plain wooden stake through the chest of the vampire princess, or you can dance forever in the night where the sun will never rise again. Hey, which is your desire?
Card Dialogue 人々を魅了して、心を奪ってしまう。忠誠を誓わせて、永遠の眷属にしってしまう。なんてひどい仕業なんでしょう。アイドルがすることって、まるで吸血鬼みたいじゃない? Enchant the masses and steal their hearts. Make them swear alligence as thralls for eternity. What a cruel deed! Idols are just like vampires, aren't they?