SR3: Life is HaRMONY
In Chitose's SR3, she reflects about enjoying her youth and living life positively after she had to skip a year of school due to her poor health.
Event: LIVE Parade (March 30th-April 7th, 2021)

Usage | Japanese | English |
Home Screen | この状況、美味しい絵になってる?なら…このまま乗っかっちゃえっ | Does this situation make for a good picture? If so... let's keep going! |
今の私は…みんなのなすがまま…。あはっ、好きにしちゃって♪ | While I'm like this, I'm at everyone's mercy... aha, do as you like ♪ | |
ふふっ、ごめん…楽しくなっちゃって。だってこんなの、予想外過ぎて | Hehe, sorry, I was having fun. I mean, something like this, it's so unexpected! | |
きらりちゃん、すごい力持ち…。身をもって体験すると、素敵 | Kirari-chan, you're so powerful. Experiencing it first hand is amazing | |
こんな場面が見られるなんて…ふふ、魔法使いさんも驚いてるかも | To be able to see a scene like this... hehe, even the Sorcerer might be surprised | |
信じられないくらい、胸が高鳴ってる。生きてるって、実感する ! | I can't believe how hard my heart is beating. I feel alive! | |
わぁっ、速い速いっ… ! ジェットコースターって、こんな感じ? | Wah, fast, fast! Is this what a roller coaster is like? | |
力、入らないから…くだけちゃって。こういう表情も、アイドルらしい? | I couldn't put much effort into it, so I ended up taking it easy. Is this look also appropriate for an idol? | |
あははっ、ハイになってきちゃった… ! みんなも…笑ってる? | Ahaha, this is giving me such a high! Everyone else is smiling too, right? | |
ほたるちゃんまで、一生懸命応援してくれて…。私も、応えなきゃね | Even Hotaru-chan cheered me on with all her might... I have to give it everything I have, too | |
ハイタッチ?ごめん、腕も上がらなくって。だから私は目線で…はいっ♪ | High five? I'm sorry, but I can't even raise my arms. So I'll do it with my eyes... there! ♪ | |
体力も気力も使い果たして、最期に残ったのは仲間との絆…なんてね | After exhausting both mental and physical energy, what's left is the bonds between us | |
Room | バラエティのお仕事も楽しいね。みんなで一緒に笑顔になれるから | Doing variety show work is fun, too. Because we can all smile together. |
少し疲れちゃったし…このまま横になろうかな。ぐでーん、って… | I'm a little tired... I think I'll lie down. Like this... | |
お姫様だって、お姫様扱いだけじゃ退屈しちゃう。そういうものだから♪ | Even princesses get bored of being spoiled. Because that's the way it is ♪ | |
私の体重、杏ちゃん1.5人分くらいだって。抱えただけでわかるんだ… | My weight is about 1.5x Anzu. I know just by holding her... | |
千夜ちゃんに心配されちゃった。貴方からも、大丈夫って言ってあげて? | I worried Chiyo-chan, too. Would you tell her I'm alright, as well? | |
ここも私の居場所、みんなと笑い合える景色…うん。実感してる | This is also a place I belong, a place where I can laugh with everyone... yes, I can feel it. | |
人の温もりって、いいな。ずっと感じていたくなっちゃうの、欲張りかな | Human warmth is so nice, isn't it? I wish I could feel it all the time, but maybe that's greedy. | |
なすがままにされるの、くせになっちゃう。次は誰に委ねちゃおうかな? | It's become a habit of mine to be left at the mercy of others. Who should I entrust next? | |
他の人より体温は低めなの。でも、ほら…心はちゃんと温かいでしょ? | I have a lower body temperature than others. But look, my heart is warm, isn't it? | |
あっ…そっか。これが筋肉痛ってやつかぁ。あはっ、気持ちいい♪ | Ah... I see, is this what sore muscles feel like? Aha, it feels good! ♪ | |
貴方は私を、どんなゴールに連れていくつもりなのかな… | What kind of goal do you plan on taking me to, I wonder... | |
貴方の温度も感じさせて?刻み付けておきたくて。忘れないように | Would you let me feel your temperature, too? I want it engraved into my memory so I won't ever forget it. | |
Affection Up | 思いっきり身体を動かして、心の底から笑って…… そんな私を見ているみんなにも、同じ気持ちになってもらう。 今の私になら、きっとできるよ♪ | Moving with all my strength, laughing and smiling from the bottom of my heart.. I want everyone who sees me to feel the same way. If it's my current self, I'm sure I can do it ♪ |
Affection Maxed | いろんな人と関わって、交わって、繋がり合って…… そのたびに私の色は不確かになって、最初の姿から離れていく。 そんな変化を嫌う人も、世の中にはいるのかな? | Influencing, interacting with, and becoming connected with various kinds of people... each time my color becomes unclear and I drift away from what I was originally. Are there people in the world who don't like such changes? |
でも私は、今が好き。今の私が好き。 だって、結末の見えていた灰色の未来に、 私も想像していなかった新しい色が生まれたんだもの。 | But I love this present moment. I love my present self. Because in that grey future where the end was in sight, a new color I couldn't even imagine was born. | |
私の人生を、繋いでくれる人がいる。 手を取り合えば、ひとりでは見られない夢も描き出せる…… そんな景色を、もっと私と見ようね。魔法使いさん♪ | There's someone who has become connected to my life. If he takes my hand, we can see dreams we couldn't alone... let's see more of that scenery together, okay? Sorcerer ♪ | |
Card Dialogue | ゴールまであと少し、だけどもう…身体が…わっ ! えっ、きらりちゃん?もしかして、このままゴールまで行っちゃうの?こんな展開があるなんて…ふふ、あははははっ ! | I'm almost to the finish line, but my body... Wah! Eh, Kirari-chan? Are you going to carry me to the goal? I can't believe this... fufu, ahahaha! |

Usage | Japanese | English |
Live Begins | 今日のステージが色褪せない思い出になるように | I hope that today's stage becomes a memory that never fades. |
私たちで編み上げる最高のハーモニー始めようっか | Shall we begin the best harmony that we wove together? | |
Skill Activation | さぁ、歌おう! | Here, sing! |
連れて行くよ! | I'll take you! | |
もっと自分らしく | Be yourself! | |
Live Ends | これは終わりじゃなくて、始まり。人生の始まり | This isn't the end, it's the beginning. Life's beginning |
みんなの音も私の胸に響いてきた。気持ちいよかったよ! | The sound of everyone reverberated in my heart... it felt so good! | |
Home Screen | 現実の卒業式より、一足早く味わっちゃった。心残りはないよ…なんて♪ | I had a taste of what it felt like before my actual graduation ceremony. I don't have any regrets... ♪ |
私たちの未来は、どこまで続いているのかな?…ずっと笑顔でいようね | I wonder how long our future will last? ...let's keep smiling, always | |
優しい春の匂いがする…。ずっとこの場所に留まっていたくなっちゃう | The gentle smell of spring... I want to stay in this place forever | |
文香ちゃんの瞳…綺麗だね。まるで、海の底から呼んでいるみたい | Fumika-chan's eyes are so beautiful. It's like the bottom of the sea is calling me | |
先生、保護者、来賓…魔法使いさんは、どの席に座っていたい? | Teacher, guardian, or guest... which seat will you take, Sorcerer? | |
巣立った先の空で、どんな景色が見えるのか…少し怖くて、すごく楽しみ | What kind of scenery will I be able to see in the sky after I leave the nest? I'm a little scared, but I'm looking forward to it. | |
卒業式の定番って、他に何があるかな。日本の式は詳しくないから♪ | What else is a part of a standard graduation? I'm not familiar with Japanese ceremonies ♪ | |
一緒に写真…撮ろっか。プライベート用の1枚も、残しておきたくて | Let's take a picture together... I'd like to keep one for personal use | |
こんなに優しいお別れの日も、あるんだ…。ならきっと、大丈夫…かな? | There are days where we say goodbye so tenderly... I'm sure we'll be alright, won't we? | |
お芝居の中の一日なのに…ここで過ごした記憶が、本物みたいに感じるの | Even though its just a performance... the memories I made here feel like the real thing. | |
この光景を、きっと貴方も忘れない。永遠に…そう、魔法をかけたもの | I'm sure you won't forget this sight for eternity... yes, just like a spell was cast | |
覚えていてね。青春の輝きを散りばめた、私たちの姿を | Make sure to remember how we look glittering brilliantly with youth | |
Room | 学校だと遠慮されてるって感じることもあって。19歳だから…なのかな? | It feels like I'm being treated distantly at school. I wonder if it's because I'm 19 years old? |
学校でお気に入りの場所は…屋上と、保健室。ふふ、予想通り? | My favorite places at school are... the roof and the infirmary. Fufu, as you expected? | |
学園生活だけじゃなくて人生全て、できる限りの幸せを詰め込みたいな | I want to pack as much happiness into my life as I possibly can, and not just my life at school | |
人はみんな、私を置いていくの。…同級生は先に卒業しちゃうし | Everyone leaves me behind... like how my classmates will all graduate before me | |
別れの日には、私のことも笑って見送ってね。約束だよ、魔法使いさん♪ | On the day we part ways, see me off with a smile, okay? Let's make it a promise, Sorcerer. | |
私の思い出は、他の人と比べられないけど…どれも大切だから | It's impossible to compare my memories to the memories of others... because they're all precious. | |
制服っていいなぁ。私でも、みんなと同じ体験を共有できるんだから | Uniforms are nice because I can share the same experience with everyone. | |
卒業証書、もらってきちゃった。ただの小道具だけど、特別にね… | I got my diploma. It's just a prop, but it's still special... | |
人は独りじゃ生きられない…救われたのは、私も一緒だから | Human beings can't live alone... being with everyone is what saved me. | |
本当の卒業式も、みんなと写真撮れるように。またひとつ願いができたよ | I hope I can take pictures with everyone again at my real graduation ceremony. I was able to wish for one more thing. | |
貴方の卒業式の写真、見せて。ほら、私のも見たんだから、当然♪ | Show me your graduation photos. Hey, you saw mine, so it's only fair ♪ | |
私は夜が好き。でも、太陽の下でみんなと過ごせるのも、嬉しいよ | I love the night, but I'm happy spending time with everyone under the sun. | |
Affection Up | 出会いがあれば別れがある。終わりは必ず来る。 それがどんなに悲しくても、人は誰かと繋がりたいもの。 だってこんなにも、あたたかい気持ちになれるんだもん……。 | For every meeting, there is a farewell. The end will come. No matter how sad it is, people seek out connections with others. That's because it can give you this warm feeling... |
Affection Maxed | いつかは私も、貴方を置いて旅立ってしまう。 あるいはその逆だって、あるかもしれない。 だからね……約束してほしいの。 | Someday, I will also leave you behind, or maybe the other way around. So that's why... I want you to promise me. |
どんな未来が来たとしても、想い出の中の私を忘れないで。 私の笑顔を、声を、仕草を……色あせないまま、焼き付けて。 私が貴方の中で、永遠に生き続けられるように。 | No matter what kind of future is ahead of us, don't forget your memories of me. My smile, my voice, my gestures... burn them into your mind so that they may never fade. May I live within you forever. | |
私は絶対に、忘れないよ。貴方と私の道が一瞬でも交わって、 鮮やかな旋律が生まれたことを……。そうすれば、 私たちのハーモニーは、終わることなく響き続けていくから。 | I will never forget that our paths intersected, even if it was only for a moment, and a that a vivid melody was born... so our harmony will continue to resound without end. | |
Card Dialogue | 慣れ親しんだ学び舎や、心通わせた学友たちとの別れの時…。悲しみを感じる瞬間だからこそ、私は笑っていたいな。永遠に残る思い出が、まぶしい笑顔で満ちているよう、祈って… | When you say goodbye to a familiar school or to the friends you've grown to know... because its a sad moment, I want to smile. I pray that my memories filled with dazzling smiles last forever... |