SR2: Good Luck, 'Oumuamua

The event this card was featured in is named after 'Omuamua, which was the first interstellar object detected passing through the Solar System. The event centers around a spin-off story the idols filmed together. In the srory, Chitose is a child the same age as Risa at one point. When she says "Chitose-chan" she is referring to her younger self portrayed in the spin-off.

Event: LIVE Carnival (June 30th-July8th, 2020)

[SR] Good Luck, 'Omuamua
Usage Japanese English
Home Screen みんなで幻想を作り出してるんだ。撮影現場はロマンチストの集いだね Creating an illusion with everyone. The movie set is a romanticist get-together.
決められた筋書も、楽しい。そう思えたなら、それは素敵な物語… The plot that was decided on is fun, too. If you're able to think that way, too, it's a wonderful story...
奈緒ちゃんのアクション、カッコ良かったよ。私も…タイヤ投げたいな♪ Nao-chan's action sequence was so cool. I want to throw a tire, too! ♪
心さんの瞳は、近くで見ると燃えてるみたい。宝石みたいで、綺麗 Up close, Shin-san's eyes look so fired up. They're beautiful, just like jewels.
秘密のアイコンタクト。じーっと見つめて、魅了しちゃう?あはっ♪ Secret eye contact. Staring so intently could captivate you, right? Aha! ♪
星に願いを。少女たちに幸運を。届かなくても、その祈りは美しいよ Wish upon a star: good luck to the girls. Even if it doesn't reach them, it's a beautiful prayer, isn't it?
しーっ。心配しなくても、上手くやるから。…ううん、こっちの話 Shh, don't worry, I'll do just fine. ...Oh no, it's nothing.
差し入れ?じゃあ、トマトジュースをお願い。とびきり紅いやつ♪ Delivery? Okay, I'd like the super red tomato juice ♪
うん、台詞のタイミングも、動線も大丈夫。私、忘れるのは苦手なの Yeah, I've got the dialogue timing and flow down. I have a good memory.
お芝居は、虚構だけど嘘じゃない。ひとつの人生を生きること The play is fictional but it's not a lie. It's the living of one life.
いつも私のことを気にして…魔法使いさんも、立派な私の僕ちゃん? Always worrying about me... is Sorcerer also one of my splendid servants?
帰り、ご飯に連れていってくれるの?なら連絡しなきゃ。怒られちゃうよ Can you take me to dinner on the way home? If so, you have to get in touch with me. I might get mad if you don't
Room 私は私にしかなれないよ。でも、誰かを演じることは、きっとできる/td> I can only be myself. But I'm sure I could play another person.
さらわれる役も楽しかったから、次はさらう方になりたいな。ね? The role of being kidnapped was also fun, next time I want to be the kidnapper, okay?
本当の現実も、あんな風に突き抜けて、壊して、気持ちよくなろう♪ Just like that, let's break through the true reality, destroy it, and feel good! ♪
志希ちゃんにいっぱい嗅がれちゃった。私、不思議な匂いなんだって I got sniffed a lot by Shiki-chan because I have a mysterious scent, apparently.
チトセちゃんにリサちゃんがいたように、私には…貴方たちがいる Just like Chitose-chan has Risa-chan, I have all of you.
神秘のヴェールを自分で脱いだ…チトセちゃんはカッコいい。そう思うよ She removed the mysterious veil by herself... Chitose-chan is cool. That's what I think.
担がれ慣れてることが役に立つなんて。やっぱり、アイドルって面白い I can't believe getting used to being carried would be so useful. Sure enough, being an idol is interesting.
このスタッフコート、着ていないとさらわれちゃうでしょ。誘拐防止♪ If you don't wear this staff coat, you'll be kidnapped. Kidnapping prevention ♪
お芝居なら、昔たくさん観たけど…ほら、歌劇やバレエとドラマは違うし I used to watch a lot of plays in the past, but... opera, ballet, and dramas are different.
免許、取りにいこうかな。…将来、役に立つかもしれないし? I wonder if I should go get my license. It could end up being useful in the future, right?
なぁに?魔法使いさん、私をさらってくつもり?いいけど…安全運転ね♪ What? Sorcerer, are you going to kidnap me? That's fine, but... drive safely ♪
魔法使いさんの人生も…アップデートしちゃお。それぐらい、いいよね? The sorcerer's life, too... let's update it. Something like that is fine, right?
Affection Up 役者にとっての演技は、役柄の人生を取り込むこと。 設定、思考、それから記憶。それが、私がする演技に変わる。 チトセちゃんの血が、私に流れ込んでくるの……感じた? For an actor, performing is to take in the life of the character. Their setting, thoughts, and then memories. That is to say, to be transformed through the acting one performs. Chitose-chan's blood is flowing into me... did you feel it?
Affection Maxed 人生は、自分が主演の独り舞台。 周りの人は、みーんなお客さん。 魔法使いさんは、そう思ったことはない? Life is a solo stage where you're the star. Everyone around me is part of audience. Sorcerer, have you ever thought that yourself?
演じることには、慣れてたつもり。 だって、主の役割に、吸血鬼の設定、それにアイドルの仮面♪ ……でもね、演じる意味は、わかってなかった。 I'm used to acting. Like the role of the master, the vampiric setting, that's the mask of an idol. ♪ But I didn't understand the significance of acting.
きっと、私の物語は、ここからさらに変わってく。 だから……魔法使いさんも、一緒に願ってくれる? この舞台の行く末に、どうか……喝采と、幸運を。 I'm sure my story will change from here. That's why... sorcerer, would you like to make a wish with me? Following this performance, please applaud and wish me good luck.
Card Dialogue ……しーっ♪魔法使いさんってば、様子を見にきてくれたんだ。もう…私の周りの人は、みんな心配症なんだから。大丈夫。心は偽れないけど、演じることは得意なんだよ♪ ...Shh ♪ Oh Sorcerer, you came to check on me. Geez... everyone around me is a worrier. It's alright. I can't fake my heart, but I'm good at acting ♪

[SR+] Good Luck, 'Omuamua
Usage Japanese English
Live Begins ほら、始まりの扉が気溢られた Look, the gateway to our beginning is overflowing with energy!
新しい世界へ飛び出しに行こう Let's leap into a new world!
Skill Activation 行けー Go!!
止まらないよ Nothing can stop us!
星々に幸運を Good luck to the stars!
Live Ends 踏み込んで、変わったね。あはっ♪ Good luck to the stars!
Home Screen ずーっとこのまま、ふたりで仲良く遊んでいようねっ。ずーっとだよっ ! Let's keep playing, just the two of us, like this forever. Always!
第二次性徴アップデートの通知、もう来た?恋愛って、楽しいのかなぁ? Have we already started our teenage update? Do you think falling in love will be fun?
ね、今度、駅前にできたお店に遊びにいかない?新しい服がみたいの ! Hey, why don't we visit the shop that opened in front of the station next time? I want some new clothes!
給食も、お菓子みたいに甘かったらいいのに。パサパサして楽しくなーい I wish our school lunches were sweet like candy. It's so dried out and that's no fun.
お友だちはたくさんいるけど…一番は、やっぱりリサちゃんっ ! I have a lot of friends but my best friend is definitely Risa-chan!
昨日読んだ本がね、素敵だったの。魔法使いさんが出てくるお伽噺 ! The book we read yesterday was wonderful. A fairy tale with a sorcerer!
もうチャイム?一日100回も鳴るなんて、ちょっと細かすぎない? The chime, already? Sounding 100 times a day, isn't that a bit too often?
クラスの人数って、変わってない…よね。前はもっと多かったような… The number of people in class hasn't changed... right? I could have sworn there were more people before...
早くアップデートして、大人になりたいな♪綺麗なお洋服を着るの ! I want to update soon and become an adult ♪ So I can wear beautiful clothes!
社会を構成する一員になれて幸せ ! この標語、子どもには難しくない? Being a part of society brings happiness! Isn't this motto a bit mature for kids?
リサちゃんは、可愛くて賢くて強いんだもん。もっと自信を持って ! Risa-chan is cute, smart, and strong, too. You should be proud!
指輪、大切にしてね ! とっても硬くて強いんだから ! きっと役立つよ ! Take good care of your ring, okay! Because it's very solid and strong! I'm sure it will come in handy!
Room 梨沙ちゃんは、可愛い妹ができたみたい♪現実でも仲良しだよ Risa-chan seems to have a cute little sister now ♪ We're good friends in real life, too
姿を子どもにする技術が、時間を巻き戻す魔法だったらよかったのに It would be nice if the technology that can rewind time and turn me into a child could work in real life, too.
魔法使いさんは、先生役かな?優しくて、理想家で…当て書きの役なの? Sorcerer, are you acting as the teacher? The gentle idealist... is that the role you're supposed to have?
小さな頃は、特別扱いだったよ。名前と髪の色が違うって『特別』だもん When I was little, I got special treatment. Having a different name and a different hair color is "special."
撃たれちゃったのは、私だったのかもね。銀の弾丸で、この胸を…バーン Maybe it was me who got shot. With a silver bullet, right in my chest... bang.
願わくは、いつかの未来に幸運を。流れ魔法使いさんに、お願いね My wish is for good luck, someday in the future. A wish for the wandering sorcerer.
衣装は小学生のチトセちゃん用だけど、19歳の私でも…似合うでしょ? The costume is for Chitose-chan is an elementary school outfit, but doesn't it suit me even though I'm 19 years old?
夢見ることをやめたら大人だなんて…そんなの、夢がないものね If you stop dreaming, you've become an adult... that sort of thing, I wouldn't dream of it.
幼い頃…理科の実験が好きだったな。ほら、魔女の大釜…みたいで? When I was little... I loved doing science experiements. You know, like a witch's cauldron?
CG技術で子どもになりたい人なら、事務所にもたくさんいるんじゃない? As far as using CG to become a child again, aren't there a lot of people in the office would would love that?
『拝啓 チトセちゃん。私も貴方みたいに、頑張ってみるね。ちとせ』 "Dear Chitose-chan. Just like you, I'll try my best. -Chitose"
貴方から見たら、まだ子ども。でも…貴方も十分、子どもっぽいよ From your point of view, I'm still a child. But... you're plenty childish yourself.
Affection Up あのね、魔法使いさんっ ! 私のお願い、聞いてくれる? 幸せな魔法をかけて、私をお姫様にしてほしいの ! ……なーんて、私の演技、どうだった? Hey, Sorcerer! Will you listen to my request? I want you to cast a happy spell on me and make me a princess! ...Just kidding! How was my acting?
Affection Maxed 子どものまま、永遠に時間が止まればいいのに。 そんな風に思うのは、大人になってからなんだ。 それって、皮肉だな。 I wish I could become a child again and then stop time. It's only since I've grown up that I feel that way. It's ironic, isn't it.
止まらない時間は、強制されるアップデートと同じ。 周囲の環境も、私たちの身体も心も、変わっていっちゃう。 この世界も、結局はあの世界と同じ。 Time cannot be stopped just like a forced update. The environment that surrounds us, our bodies and minds, they will change. This world is the same as that world, after all.
世界を脱出する鍵……ブラックボックスは、どこにあるのかな。 もし、私が子どもの世界に囚われたら…… 貴方が見つけてね。小さなリングを頼りに。 The key to escape from this world... where is the black box, I wonder. If I'm trapped in a child's world... You'll find it. Trust in a small ring.
Card Dialogue ふふっ、おっかしい ! リサちゃんとお話するの、私、大好きっ ! だからこれからもずっと、仲良しでいてね ! ふたりでいれば、きっといつまでも楽しく過ごせると思うの ! Hehe, that's so funny! I love talking to you, Risa-chan! So from now on, let's always be friends! If we're together, I think we can have fun forever!