SR1: Fascinate
Chitose refers to the producer as "mahoutsukai-san" to tease him. A lot of other fan translations translate "mahoutsukai" to "magician." In my translation, I chose to use the word "sorcerer" because "mahoutsukai" refers to someone who uses magic and spells like a witch or a mage and to me, magician sounds like someone who performs tricks without real magic. Sorcerer seemed appropriate because Chitose often references the fact that the producer has used magic on her to turn her into a successful idol and change her life.
Event: LIVE Groove Visual Burst (February 28th-March 7th, 2019)

Usage | Japanese | English |
Home Screen | 夜はいいよね。静かで、誰もいなくて。秘密を共有るための世界だね | Night is wonderful. It's quiet and no one is around. It's a world perfect for sharing secrets. |
月は夜空に輝く女王様でしょ。私も、そうなろうと思うの。いいよね? | The moon is the queen shining in the night sky. I think I should become like that, too. Don't you think? | |
星々はどれも小さな点に観えるよね。あなたが見てる私たちも、そう? | All the stars look like tiny dots. Do we look like that to you, too? | |
照らされなかったら、この庭園もただの闇。私たちの同じ | Without illumination, this garden would just be darkness. We're the same | |
あなたが求めるものは、ここにあった?私のこと…千夜ちゃんのこと | Did you find what you sought here? Chiyo-chan and I. | |
言ったよね。嘘をついても見抜いちゃうよって。夜に紛れるのは、ダメ | I told you, didn't I? If you lie, I'll see through it. To hide in the night is futile. | |
あ、気をつけてね。簡単に触れると、棘が刺さって…痛いかも♪ | Oh, be careful. If you touch too carelessly, the thorns could pierce you... it might hurt ♪ | |
赤い薔薇は情熱、白い薔薇は純潔。お好きなものを手にとって | Red roses represent passion, white roses represent purity. Take what you like | |
あの建物、ガゼボだね。あなたに似合う場所だよ。庭園が見渡せて | That building is a gazebo, a place like that suits you. It's where you watch over the garden | |
このな夜は…誰かのことを食べたくなっちゃわない?あは♪ | On a night like this... don't you want to feed on someone? Aha ♪ | |
あなたの牙は、いったいどこに突き立てるのかな。欲望は正直に…ね? | Where will you sink your fangs? Desire is honest... isn't it? | |
あん。イタズラな風が撫でていったみたい。次やったら…命がけだよ | Ahn. It seems like I was stroked by a mischevious breeze. But next time... it will cost you your life. | |
Room | この部屋にも、秘密がいっぱい眠っていそう♪眠り姫たちの夢が… | This room seems to be filled with secrets ♪ The dreams of sleeping princesses... |
庭園に隠者がいるんだよね。賢くて、物知りな緑の隠者さんが | There's a hermit in the garden. A wise and knowledgeable green hermit. | |
魔女から教わった占い、してあげようか。レッスンのあとでいい? | After this lesson, shall I divine your future with the fortune-telling that the witch taught me? | |
あなたの庭園、手入れが行き届いてるね。色とりどりの花々が咲いて… | Your garden is well looked after. Colorful flowers are blooming... | |
もし、薔薇の香りが気になったなら、許してね。私だと思って♪ | If the scent of roses bothers you, forgive me. It's probably me ♪ | |
あなたの肩を貸してくれる?ちょっとだけでいいから。おやすみ… | Can you lend me your shoulder? Just for a little while. Goodnight... | |
はぁ…血が足りないな。ぼんやりして、ふわふわして… | Haa... I don't have enough blood. Things are blurry and I feel unsteady... | |
この服、気に入った?脱ぐしたい?それともあなたが着たいとか? | Do you like this outfit? Want to undress? Or do you want to wear it? | |
子供の頃に住んでいた館は、この部屋より…もうちょっと広かったかな | The mansion I lived in as a child... was a little more spacious than this room. | |
あなたのその指、あんまりイタズラだと…そのうち食べちゃうかも | If that finger of yours keeps playing tricks... I might eat it sooner or later | |
なぁに?お仕事の話じゃないんだったら…聞いてあげる。なぁに? | What? If you're not talking about work, I'll listen. What is it? | |
あなたのそういう変わったところ、好きだな。魔法使いさん♪ | I like how strange you are, Mr. Sorcerer ♪ | |
Affection Up | あなたの事務所は、まるで魔法使いの庭だね。花を育てる魔法をせっせとかけて、つぼみが花開く日を待ってる。夜にだけ咲く薔薇が、そろそろ生まれる喜びを感じてるみたい♪ | Your office is like a sorcerer's garden. You cast magic on the flowers, eagerly anticipating the day the buds open and blossom. The rose that only blooms in the night seems to be joyfully awaiting her turn ♪ |
Affection Maxed | あなたに千夜ちゃんのことを教えたのは私でしょ。千夜ちゃんにアイドルになるようにいったのも私だし…なんだか、私ばっかり働いているように見えない? | I was the one who told you about Chiyo-chan, right? And I was the one who told Chiyo-chan to become an idol... doesn't it look like I'm the one doing all the work? |
あはっ。大丈夫、ちゃあんと知ってるから。あなたがプロデューサーとして、私たちを組ませて、アイドルのユニットを生み出したってこと。 | Aha. I know, I know. As a producer, you put us together to create an idol unit. | |
真面目で、女の子が大好きな、魔法使いさん。私と千夜ちゃんに魔法をかけて、えらい♪さぁ、もっと働いてもらおうかな。私たちの僕として♪ | A serious sorcerer who loves girls. Way to go, casting your spell on Chiyo-chan and I ♪ You can continue to work for us, as our servant ♪ | |
Card Dialogue | 懐かしい♪向こうで暮らしてた頃、よく見てた。整った庭、咲き誇る薔薇。ここの景色はよく似てる♪夜中に抜け出て散歩して…秘密を取り出すにはぴったりの夜だと思わない? | How nostalgic ♪ When I lived there I saw it often. Well-organized gardens, blooming roses. The scenery here looks a lot like it ♪ It's the perfect night to sneak out and take a walk... don't you think? |

Usage | Japanese | English |
Live Begins | ヴェルベットの花びらがあなたを包むよ | Velvet petals will envelop you |
さぁ、歌えましょう。私たちと友に | Come, let us sing. Together with our companions | |
Skill Activation | ねぇ、手を取って | Hey, take my hand |
あまーい誘惑を♪ | A sweet temptation ♪ | |
ほら、楽しんで♪ | Have fun ♪ | |
Live Ends | 晩餐会はまだまだこれからでしょ | The banquet has only begun |
ヴェルベットローズ…あなたと友に、永遠に… | Velvet Rose... together with you and my companions for eternity... | |
Homescreen | もっといろんな表情を見せて。あなたの奥底に眠る貌を… | Be more expressive. Show me what sleeps deep within you... |
全て私のものにするって、決めたから。心も捧げるように… | I've decided to make it all mine. Your heart, too, will be my offering... | |
儚いものほど美しい…人の夢が、世界で1番、美しいの | Ephemeral things are more beautiful... and nothing is more beautiful than what people dream. | |
私たちはそれぞれが薔薇の一輪、そして薔薇を包むヴェルベット… | We are a single rose and the velvet which envelops that rose... | |
私と千夜ちゃんの間には、入れてあげないよ。あなたはそこでお預け♪ | I won't allow you between Chiyo-chan and I. Sit and stay right where you are ♪ | |
これが、あなたの見た夢。私たちにとっても、宝石みたいな夢… | This is the dream you dreamt. For us, it's a dream that's precious like a jewel... | |
首筋に噛みついちゃうね♪あぁん、逃げない逃げない♪ | I'll bite the nape of your neck ♪ Aan, no escape, no escape ♪ | |
ほら、しっかり立って。千夜ちゃんは、従うだけじゃないだから | Hey, no slouching. Chiyo-chan isn't the only one who must observe decorum | |
感情を吸い尽くしてあげる。あとに残るのは恍惚だけ… | I'll drain away your emotions. Leaving only ecstasy... | |
ほら見て。千夜ちゃんのメイクのおかげで、絶好調♪ | Look, thanks to Chiyo-chan's makeup, she's in perfect form ♪ | |
ふふ、細い腰。きっと魔法使いもとってもお気に入りだよ | Fufu, such a slender waist. I'm sure you love it, Sorcerer. | |
我慢できないの?ねぇ千夜ちゃん、相手してあげる?どうしよっか | You can't take it anymore? Hey, Chiyo-chan, will you be my partner? What to do... | |
Room | もっとセンスを高めて欲しいな。陶酔できるような場所にして? | I want to excite the senses and create an intoxicating setting |
ふあぁ…お仕事が始めるまで、ゆっくりするね。おやすみー… | *yawn* Until work begins, I'll take it easy. Goodnight... | |
あなたに魅了された子たちも、構ってあげてね。私たちのあとで♪ | Look after those we facinated. After you see to us ♪ | |
女の子は誰だって自分が1番じゃなきゃ納得できないもん。ねっ♪ | Girls won't accept anything less than being number one. Right ♪ | |
ねぇ、次のお仕事はまだ?舞台の上でなら、もっと魅了してあげるよ | Hey, have you found our next job yet? I'll fascinate them even more on stage. | |
あなた、魔法使いとしては本物なんだ。えらいえらーい。あはっ♪ | You really are a sorcerer. Good job, aha ♪ | |
私たちは支配者だから。千夜ちゃんにも同じ服を着てもらわなきゃね♪ | I have to get Chiyo-chan to wear the same clothes as me, because we rule as one ♪ | |
好きになった子に、ちょっかい出しちゃうんだよね。ふふ、正直♪ | I don't mean to mess with those who like me. Fufu, honest ♪ | |
占いの結果が出たよ。今日は私に支配される日だって♪あは♪ | I have the results of my fortune telling. Today is the day I'll begin my reign ♪ Aha ♪ | |
ん、連れてってくれるの?なら、魔法で連れ出して欲しいな♪ | Nn, you'll come along? If so, I'd like to be led along with magic ♪ | |
私の僕ちゃんになりたいんだ。しかたない子♪なら…おあずけ♪ | You'd like to become my servant? I suppose I have no choice ♪ Then... you may ♪ | |
あなたは魔法使いかもしれないけど…私だって魔女に教わったし? | You may be a sorcerer... but I was taught by a witch myself? | |
Affection Up | …やっぱり、あなたって変わってる。だって、自分の大好きな女の子を、自分だけのものしないし。みんなに見てもらいたくて、みんなに好かれて欲しいなんて♪ | are strange, after all. Because you don't keep the girls you love to yourself. You want to everyone to see and enjoy them ♪ |
Affection Maxed | 僕ちゃん、なんて呼んでいたのは…それを千夜ちゃんが望んだからだけど…私はあの子の心を支配して、従えたいわけじゃない。 | I called her "servant" because Chiyo-chan wanted it, but I don't want to control her and force her to obey me. |
千夜ちゃんは、外見からじゃわかりづらいけど…とっても可愛くて、優秀な子でしょ。ちょっぴり、頑固だけどね。千夜ちゃんは生きがいが必要だと思ったの。 | It might not be obvious from her appearance, but Chiyo-chan is a very cute and brilliant girl. A little stubborn, though. I thought Chiyo-chan needed something to live for. | |
それは一瞬じゃなくて、ずっとずっと燃え続ける消えない炎。普通に灯したら消えちゃうから、魔法の炎じゃなきゃね。まさか、私にも灯るなんて…思わなかったけど。あはっ♪ | Something that will last, like a flame that burns forever. If lit normally, the fire will disappear, so it has to be a magical flame. I never thought it would light up for me, too. Aha ♪ | |
Card Dialogue | そう…私とあなたは気高くて可愛い、どんな花より綺麗な薔薇。さぁ、これからふたりで全てを支配しよう。私たちの美しさを、消えない傷跡として、刻みつけるの…♪ | Yes... you and I are noble and lovely, a rose more beautiful than any other flower. From now on, let's rule over everything together. Engraving our beauty as a scar that never fades... ♪ |