[N] Chitose Kurosaki Lines
Usage |
Japanese |
English |
Home Screen |
ところで、私の僕ちゃんはどこにいるの? |
By the way, where has my servant gone? |
カラダは強い方じゃないの。すぐ倒れるし。ちゃあんと、支えてね? |
My body isn't strong, so I collapse easily. Support me properly, okay? |
欲しいなら、もっと素直にならなくちゃね。私はとっても素直でしょ? |
If you want it, you'll have to be more honest. Try to be more like me, okay? |
あなたが望むから来たんだもの。私を満足させてよね |
I came here because that was your wish, so make me happy. |
あなたは何を捧げてくれるの?時間?カラダ?それとも、ココロ? |
What will you offer me? Your time? Body? Even your heart? |
そう、髪も顔もカラダも天然モノ♪味わってみたい?あは♪ |
Yes, my hair, face, and body are all natural ♪ Would you like a taste? Aha ♪ |
私に触りたいの?触ってもいいけど…灰になっちゃうかも |
You want to touch me? That's fine, although... I may turn to ash. |
挨拶がわりにハグくらい、普通でしょ。それとも…別のこと考えた? |
A hug instead of a greeting is normal. Or... were you thinking of something else? |
変わったネクタイしてるね。ま、そういうのが好きな人もいるよ |
What a strange necktie. Well, there are people who like that sort of thing. |
そう、偉そうじゃなくて偉いの。女の子は偉いって、習わなかった? |
Yes, not "seems great" just "great." Didn't you learn that girls are great? |
あなた、悪い人じゃないみたい。でも、いい人って退屈な人だよね |
You don't seem like a bad person. But good people are boring, aren't they? |
Room |
ここにいる子って…みんな美味しそう♪ |
The girls here... everyone looks so delicious ♪ |
アイドルの事務所って思ったより…美的センスに欠けるね |
This idol office lacks more aesthetic sense than I'd thought it would. |
私って夜型でしょう?朝が早い世界は…向いてない |
I'm a night owl, you know? A world where the morning comes early... doesn't suit me. |
あなたの城…ちょっと明るすぎるかな。もっと暗くしよう?蝋燭とか |
Maybe your castle... is a little too bright. Let's make it darker? With candlelight. |
ステージが表舞台なら、ここは裏舞台ね。あなたにとっては表舞台かな? |
If the "stage" is the front stage, then this is the backstage. Or is it front stage for you? |
ん?遊んでくれるの?ありがとう♪でも、今じゃないかな… |
Hm? You want to play? Thanks ♪ But maybe not right now... |
そうそう、退屈は人生を殺すものね。何事も楽しまなくちゃ |
That's right, boredom is what murders life. We've got to make it fun. |
コーヒーを淹れてくれたの?違うなら、どうして声をかけたの? |
Did you brew coffee? If not, why did you call for me? |
…はぁ。あぁ、ちょうど立ちくらみしたところだったから助かる |
...Haa. Ah, I just got lightheaded, so this helps. |
あんっ。あなた、いま何したかわかってるの?…なんちゃって |
Aan! What do you think you're doing? ...just kidding. |
今が楽しければいいよね。私もそう思うな。だから、もっと楽しくして |
It's great when the present moment is fun. That's what I think, too. So, let's make things more enjoyable. |
Affection Up |
あなたって、プロデューサーっていうんだ。その名前と顔、どっちを覚えてほしい?…ふふっ。面白い顔してるよ。鏡でも見たら? |
So, you're the producer. What would you like me to remember, your name or your face? Fufu. What a funny expression. Why don't you look in a mirror? |
Affection Maxed |
あなた…私が欲しいんでしょ?そのために、あなたがどこまで何ができるか…見せてもらうね。これから、じっくりと♪ |
You want me, don't you? To that end, show me how far you'll go. From now on, little by little ♪ |
そう、アイドルになってあげる。あなたの特別なひとりに、なってあげるってこと。それがあなたの望みなんでしょ? |
Yes, I'll become an idol. In other words, your special one and only. That's what you've wished for, right? |
これから楽しくなるよ。私もあなたも。お互いに見たことない世界を見られる。それが望んだモノかどうかは、わからないけど…ね。 |
It's going to be fun for both of us. We can see a world we've never seen before. I don't know if that's what you wanted, but... |
Card Dialogue |
黒埼ちとせだよ。あなたが私の求めるなら、応えてあげる。でも、全てじゃない。欲しいモノが簡単に手に入ったら、つまらないでしょ?せっかくなんだから、楽しなきゃ♪ |
I'm Kurosaki Chitose. If you've sought me out, I'll answer you. But not everything. Wouldn't it be boring if you could easily get what you wanted? This is a rare chance, so we've got to have fun with it ♪ |
[N+] Chitose Kurosaki Lines
Usage |
Japanese |
English |
Live Begins |
黒崎ちとせだよ!遊んであげる! |
I'm Chitose Kurosaki! I'll play with you! |
始めるね。返事は聞いてないから。 |
I haven't heard them respond, so let's get started |
Skill Activation |
ほら!踊って♪ |
Look! Dance ♪ |
もっともっと! |
More, more! |
さあ、おいで! |
So, join me! |
Live Ends |
私に取らわれちゃった?よかったね |
Were you taken with me? I'm so glad! |
また遊んであげる!気に入ったからね♪ |
I'll play with you again! I liked it ♪ |
あなた、美味しそうな顔してる。…あは♪ |
You're making a delicious expression... aha ♪ |
Home Screen |
これが無垢な偶像にみえる?俗世のお姫さまだし♪ |
I'm the picture of innocence, aren't I? That's because I'm a worldly princess ♪ |
あなたも、私に仕えたくなってきた?正直にそう言えば、悪くしないよ |
You'd like to serve me, too? It's not bad, hearing you say it so candidly. |
私の僕ちゃんならきっとこう言うよ。『お似合いです、お姫さま』って |
My servant would say: "It suits you well, princess." |
昔から、お願いを断れたことがないの。不思議でしょ |
Since long ago, I've never refused a request. Mysterious, right? |
あなたのプロデュースの魔法、とっても気に入ったよ♪ |
Your producer magic, I really like it ♪ |
気分がいいから、歌ってあげる。あなたのためだけにね |
I'm in a good mood, so I'll sing for you. Only for you, though. |
この服、気に入ったな♪死ぬときはこの服で棺桶に入るね♪ |
I really like these clothes ♪ In fact, when I die, I'll wear them in my coffin ♪ |
衣装のセンスは悪くない。私に似合ってるでしょ? |
Your taste in costumes isn't bad. It looks good on me, doesn't it? |
ヴァンパイアの姫君らしく振る舞おうかな。…頭が高いわ、愚民 |
Perhaps I should act like a vampire princess... full of yourself, aren't you, commoner? |
衣装に身をつつんでいても…私は変わらず私のままでしょう? |
Even if I'm wearing a costume... I'm still me, right? |
あなたの手で確かめてみて。私というアイドルがここにあることを |
Ensure it with your own hands--that an idol such as myself exists. |
あら、手を取ってくれるの。それでこそ私に仕える者の姿♪ |
Oh, will you take my hand? Just what you'd expect from someone who lives to serve me ♪ |
Room |
ここを私の館にしたいな。ねぇ、誰か協力してくれない? |
I'd like to make this my manor. Hey, could someone lend me a hand? |
どんな場所だって、私がいる場所が世界の中心♪ |
No matter where I am, I'm the center of everything ♪ |
ふふっ。私のこと好きな人がいるね。私も好きになってあげる♪ |
Fufu. There's someone who likes me. I'll fall for you, too ♪ |
レッスン?いいけど、ハードなのはやめてね。すぐに倒れるから |
A lesson? Okay, but nothing too hard because I'll collapse right away. |
あなたの心にも、私が棲み着いちゃった?それは…おめでとう♪ |
Have I made a home in your heart, too? Well... congratulations ♪ |
私をアイドルに仕立て上げて…次はどんなことを企んでいるのかな |
Fashion me into an idol... I wonder what you'll plan for me next. |
本物の翼が生えたらいいのに。空を飛ぶの、楽しそうじゃない? |
I wish I could grow real wings. Flying in the sky sounds fun, doesn't it? |
ねぇ、この服、もらっていい?予備はないの?どうして? |
Hey, can I have this dress? Don't you have a spare? Why not? |
はぁ…少し疲れちゃった。ソファまで運んでくれる? |
Haa... I'm a little tired. Could you carry me to the sofa? |
ふふ。あなたの好意の示し方って、変わってるって言われない? |
Fufu. That's a strange way to show affection, wouldn't you say? |
…何?また私に見とれてたの?あなた、プロデューサーなのに♪ |
...what? Have you become fascinated by me again? But you're my producer ♪ |
はぁ…血が足りないの。あなたのだったら、もらってもいい? |
Haa... I don't have enough blood. If it's yours, could I have some? |
Affection Up |
ステージってファンの歓声がすごいんだね。それに大きな音を浴びるのって、大好き♪みんなの高揚感が、肌で感じられるから♪ |
The fan's cheers are amazing from the stage. And I love basking in their powerful sound ♪ Because I can feel everyone's excitement on my skin ♪ |
Affection Maxed |
ふぅ…私のアイドル姿はお気に召した?あなたの望みは叶えてあげたでしょ?ここからは、あなたが私の望みを叶える番ね。 |
Fuu... did you like my idol appearance? Did I make your wish come true? Now it's your turn to fulfill my wish, isn't it. |
私の望みはたくさんあるから、一つずつ叶えてもらおうかな。まずは美味しい食事でしょ?それから僕ちゃんのお世話、それからそれから… |
I have a lot of wishes, so make them come true one by one. First, delicious food, right? Then take care of my servant. And then, and then... |
次はもっと楽しいお仕事を持ってきてもらおうかな。もっとたくさんの人間の歓声を浴びられるような、素敵な仕事をね。できるでしょ?プロデューサーさん♪ |
Next I'd like to be given a job that's even more fun. Amazing idol work that will elicit more cheers to bask within. You can do that, right? Mr. Producer ♪ |
Card Dialogue |
一人だろうと、100万人だろうと、変わらないよ。私の瞳からは逃げられないんだから。どんな人であっても魅了して、永遠の僕にしてあげる。私のことを…好きになっちゃえ♪ |
It doesn't matter if it's one person or a million people. You can't escape my gaze. No matter who you are, I'll charm you and make you my devoted servant for eternity. You'll fall in love... with me ♪ |