General, Home Screen, and Room Lines

Here is an English translation of Chitose's general lines from the game.

Chitose Kurosaki General Lines
Usage Japanese English
Live Result
Full Combo あは♪この世の全てはぜーんぶわたしのもの! Aha ♪ Everything in this world belongs to me!
S これぐらいわたしなら当然でしょ?なーんて!あは♪ A result like this is only natural when it's me, right? Just kidding! Aha ♪
A お上手、お上手〜気持ちよくって大満足ね。 Great job, great job~ It feels good to do well, doesn't it?
B こんなところかな。思ったよりは興奮は足りなかったけど Something like this? It wasn't as exciting as I thought.
C んー…ちょっと魔法の匙加減は間違ってみたい。 Hm... I think I'm confused about how much magic to use.
D はー…ちょっと貧血起こしたったかな。 Haa... maybe I'm a little anemic?
Live Failed はー…これで終わりでもわたしは満足だよ。 Haa... I'm satisfied, even if this is the end.
Producer Level Up あなた、いい顔になってきたね!あは♪ You look pleased! Aha ♪
Lesson Complete また一つ女の武器が増えちゃったみたい。あは♪ It seems like I've added a new appeal to my arsenal. Aha ♪
Star Lesson Complete うん!さすがわたし。天性のアイドルでしょ! Yep! As expected. I'm a natural at being an idol, aren't I?
Success あは、よかった。 Aha, I'm glad.
こんなところでしょ。これ以上を望み? Here we are. Want more than this?
見とれちゃった〜どうぞご自由に They were fascinated~ At your service
Failure あ〜かわいく言っても…だめ? Ah~ Even if I say it cutely... no good?
あら?もうおしまいなの?ざーんねん。 Huh? Over already? Too bad.
まあ、そういうこともあるでしょ。 Well, things happen.

Home Screen and Room Lines
Location Japanese English Conditions
Home Screen 私もよくやっちゃうけど…もらったプレゼントの中身くらいみたら? I do this a lot myself, but... what if you peeked inside the presents you were given? Only when there is a present available to accept
お友達から連絡があってみたい。早く行ってきたら?私は気にしないよ It seems like a friend contacted you. What if you were to head out early? I don't mind. Only when there is a friend request
…ねえ、聞いてるの?もし黙ってるなら、噛みついちゃうよ? English After a certain amount of time has passed
ねぇ、私、もう待てない。はやく始めよう?きっと楽しいよ♪ Hey, I can't wait anymore. Let's hurry and get started. I'm sure it'll be fun ♪ Stamina at max
イベントって、ゲストで呼ばれるくらいがちょうどいいよね。行こっか。 Being invited to events as a guest is perfect. Let's go. Only when an event is active
ちひろさんが呼んでだけど…ねぇねぇ、あの人とどういう関係なの♪ Chihiro-san called me, but... hey hey, what kind of relationship do you two have, I wonder? ♪
Room ここって、なにか美味しいものはないの? Is there anything delicious to eat here?
お姫様はいま、夢のなかでーす… The princess is currently dreaming... Object interaction (aroma, etc.)
はぁ…私の時間はここまで…。おやすみー… Haa... this is as far as I go... goodnight. Object interaction (bed, etc.)
あは♪かわいい♪私のものにしていいかな。するね♪ Aha ♪ Cute! ♪ I wonder if it's okay to take this? I'm going to take it. ♪ Object interaction (stuffed animal, etc.)
美しさは磨くものじゃなくて見出すもの。そうでしょ Beauty isn't something you refine, it's something you discover. Isn't it? Object interaction (mirror, etc.)
いつまでもいいよ。準備なんて要らないから Any time is okay. I don't need to prepare. Object interaction
はぁー…血が足んない… Haa... not enough blood...
Home Screen and Room んーふあぁ。そろそろ…おやすみー *yawns* It's about time... goodnight... Only in the morning
お腹すいたなー。ね、お昼にしない?僕ちゃんを呼んで? I'm so hungry~ Hey, why don't we have lunch? Would you call my servant? Only during mid-day
うふ♪テンション上がってきちゃった。この時間からが本番でしょ? Ufu ♪ Things are getting exciting. From now on it's the real deal, isn't it? Only at night